The Bracelet

The PAL bracelet in the iconic Mccreedyblue color symbolizes your contribution to the protection of the world’s most majestic animal, you are being connected to the imperial symbol of courage and the awesome power of Mother Nature, an expression of your purity of spirit and togetherness with all living things. It is a powerful offering and expression of your own soul.


Green Teen X P.A.L Bracelet (Limited Edition)

The green bracelet features a button specially designed by PAL founder and artist Conor McCreedy in collaboration with artisan Lianne Landman. Each bracelet comes with one of four personal quotes, written by GTT members and we will sell exclusively to teenagers around the world. Your support and donation of $21 (US) for each bracelet will help us protect the status of African lions (Panthera leo) in a number of ways.


A Symbol for change


wild lions left throughout Africa.


of those lions are male.


captive lions killed annually by hunters.


lions trophy hunted per day.

Our Lion-Hearted Mission

P.A.L is a non-profit organization whose mission is to get protection status for the African Lion.

We raise awareness through developing working relationships of mutual support with other organizations who share our goals. The P.A.L bracelet, which symbolizes co-existence, attracts donations and sponsorship to start protecting wild lions from further decline.

Global Ambassadors

Learn more about P.A.L

The first global launch video of PAL- Protecting African Lions.

We CAN protect the lions:
These iconic predators who once ruled from the Southern tip of Africa all the way to North-western India
— Conor Mccreedy


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