The PAL bracelet in the iconic Mccreedyblue colour symbolises your contribution to the protection of the world’s most majestic animal, you are being connected to the imperial symbol of courage and the awesome power of Mother Nature, an expression of your purity of spirit and togetherness with all living things. It is a powerful offering and expression of your own soul.

Lianne Landman is the head of design and manufacturing for PAL. Her collection is hand made in South Africa by a close-knit team of incredibly talented young African women, using braiding skills passed down to them from generation to generation.

Show your individuality, spirit and compassion for these majestic animals by wearing your bracelet with pride. Go wild on social media tagging #protectlions and help be our voice.

The PAL foundation has created over 16 jobs to manufacture these PAL bracelets. We feel very blessed to be in a position, given South Africa’s 25% unemployment rate, to provide meaningful employment for young men and women who live in communities near the PAL design studio in Diepsloot, South Africa. South Africa is a country of huge contrasts and inequality, a country where women in particular are often the subjects of abuse and must endure enormous hardships. We are driven by the need to create jobs and to help the young women in South Africa to improve socially and professionally. PAL does not only support lions and in Africa, but also helps build communities in South Africa through job creation.

P.A.L Bracelet

Brass button with waxed braided cord in iconic Mccreedyblue color.

Challenges shipping from South Africa due To COVID 19 is taking far longer than anticipated. Please bear with us as we try resolve a work around to this issue.


our other initiatives

Green Teen X P.A.L Bracelet - Limited Edition

The green bracelet features a button specially designed by PAL founder and artist Conor McCreedy in collaboration with artisan Lianne Landman. Each bracelet comes with one of four personal quotes, written by GTT members and we will sell exclusively to teenagers around the world. Your support and donation of $21 (US) for each bracelet will help us protect the status of African lions (Panthera leo) in a number of ways.

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