The Cape Town Marathon
The internationally recognized Sanlam Cape Town Marathon took place on the 15th of September 2019.
PAL teamed up with the world renowned sports brand ASICS, to raise funds for our a planned lion collaring procedure that was planned for later that year in October (put link to that article here). With a combined effort from various PAL ambassadors, PAL’s Chief Operations Officers (Liam Mccreedy & James Murphy) as well as the PAL Chief Financial Officer (Jessica Barnes) took on the challenge to raise as much as they could in the lead up to the marathon. With just under R14 000.00 being raised, all contestants finished their respective events, and did so in style, while wearing PAL their colours. All proceeds were contributed to our lion collaring fund and were allocated appropriately to ensure a successful collaring procedure.
Our first charity run can be seen as a great success and we hope to engage more into these sorts of events in the future.
Some of our PAL team in the sponsored kit from @asics_za proudly running the @sanlamcapetown to raise funds for @protectlions @capturedinafricafoundation @whiteliontrust